Center for Integrated Solutions for Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are one of the
greatest threats to humanity

Infectious diseases do not simply kill more people in the world than any other disease, but their ability to cause major social, political, and economic disruption is staggering.

In an era when modern medicine is capable of so much, we must do more to tackle infectious threats so that they do not continue to kill millions of people every year.

Author Picture

Rochelle Walensky
Former Director,
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)



people worldwide died
from infection, which is
25% of all deaths 1



new pathogens have
emerged since 19402


$1 Trillion

healthcare costs and 10 Million
deaths annually from
antimicrobial resistance
projected by 2050 3


1 in 6

cancers are caused
by an infectious agent4

Our Mission

The mission of the Center for Integrated Solutions for Infectious Diseases (CISID) is to perform patient-centric, basic science research in infectious diseases to transform our understanding of human infection and impact patient care.

We seek to learn about infection directly from patients, seamlessly with the clinical endeavor. We aim to take what we study and learn in the lab, determine its relevance to human infection, and leverage discoveries to decrease morbidity and mortality from infection and improve human health.

Motivated by patients.
Committed to impact.
Accelerated by technology.